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Gallery: Teleport 2012 Journey

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Us at the top of one of the 3 hills beside Holman
Sailing out of Cambridge Bay, view from Luc\'s yacht Roxane
Our char drying on deck - thanks again Dan and Tom!
Chris playing the Inuk game that Patricia gave us - get the bone on the spike - harder at sea!
the full moon rising above the ocean
Ripping along at 7.8 knots (14.5 km/hr)
Ice! Not much though, thankfully
Chris cooking up some fresh Arctic Char for supper - thanks to Colin!
Wake me for Whales! Not that we saw any!
A great Inukshuk on the hill beside Holman
World famous bear - half polar, half grizzly bear! Growler bear - first of it\'s kind.
Harold\'s amazing sled dog Quetzalcoatl onboard Teleport!
The crumbling hills around Holman
Jess walking among the fields of Arctic Cotton
Harold\'s home made boat - from old Hudson Bay tanks
Teleport in the beautiful Holman / Ulu
Sailing past a plate of sea ice near Banks Island
Chris butchering the King Eider Duck we were given
Fog so thick I couldnt see my hand in my pocket
Heading into De Salis Bay, Banks Island
Jess rowing ashore to explore on Banks Island. Shotgun for polar bear defence.
Arctic wolf prints leading into the distance
Arctic wolf prints are big!
Holding up a muskox skull
Chris showing off his Lowepro Flipside Sport 15L AW camera bag!
Our journey around the 20km shores of De Salis Bay
Beautifully cracked up old pans of mud
Pleasant evening of card games, chips and rum and coke!
Nelson\'s Head - southern tip of Banks Island
A massive Bowhead whale dives in front of us
Random tree trunk bobs past - a real danger in the mackenzie river area here
Our GPS Chartplotter showing our track, apparently right over the middle of a small island. The charts arent that accurate around here!
Teleport happily at anchor in De Salis Bay
weird cloud that made the wind go crazy
3 bears heading into town
polar bear chewing the gopro
Barter Island
ice slump herschel is
Us with the Mayor of Tuk
teleport in fog
Geoff with his dog team - barrow
not the last thing this camera ver saw, amazintly
35kn and Rough seas in the Bering Strait
US Coast Guard Cutter Bertholf
Teleport in Bering Strait before the storm, taken from coast guard ship
waves in Bering Strait
rocketing along
Aurora in the night sky - next to our wind turbine
A puffin!!
whale (minke? humpback?) gorges on the bait-ball of krill/fish
Shearwater birds en mass over bait ball
Oh, looks what\'s coming! Some WIND in the Bering Strait. Get outta here!
ALASKA!! the tip of the Bering Strait! Cape Prince of Wales
Jess sailing teleport past Cape Prince of Wales the tip of The Bering Strait
Jess and I sailing around Cape Prince of Wales - bering strait
Luc on Roxane going round the point of The Bering Strait
one of the gold dredges near nome - bering sea gold!
Jess having played enough card games
Teleport at sea in the Bering Strait - taken from US Coast Guard
Teleport sailing into the breakwaters of Nome!
Celebrating the end of the adventure... or... is it?
Us in front of Teleport all ready for the winter.
Teleport in Nome harbour
Amazing King Crabs - best crab meal ever!
frost on the fender in the mornings - time to get out of here!
All the mini home-made gold dredges heading back into port after a busy day sucking up gold
The amazing colours of Fall in Alaska
Soaking in the barrel filled with natural hot-spring water - lovely
Beautifully painted red fox!
Phil blowing holes in the steel with his oxy torch, for the yacht trailer
The modified fishing boat trailer, ready for a yacht, hopefully
Jess gold panning
every pan full gave us about this much gold! Quite a lot really!
the trailer in position - but still not deep enough!
Phil reverses his truck ever deeper down the ramp
Up she comes - with no less than THREE tucks tied together
Teleport being driven along the road up to the boat yard

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© 2007 Chris Bray & Jess Taunton