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Sponsor: Lifeline Marine Services

While rebuilding out yacht Teleport in Halifax, Canada, we were put onto local rigger / marine electrician Jim Newell who operates Lifeline Marine Services:

Lifeline Marine Services provides mobile Rigging and Electrical solutions for recreational boaters throughout Atlantic Canada. They offer comprehensive Rigging Services including Roller Swaging and all types of Rope Splicing. They are also ABYC Certified and comply to Electrical Standards and are Marine Systems Certified. They even offer shrink-wrapping to protect the yachts from snow in the winter.

Having completely re-done Teleport's ropes & running rigging, and helped out with some electrical installs too, when time came for us to pay him, Jim simply said "you know what... I find that money can get in the way of dreams sometimes so.... let's just leave it for now and work out the cost-price of my materials later, and I won't charge you for my time/labour either..." What a legend, and a true friend! Jim was even there at the launch.

Thanks so much Jim!

Visit the Lifeline Marine Services website: http://www.lifelinemarine.ca/.

Jim inspecting the top of Teleport's mast

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© 2007 Chris Bray & Jess Taunton